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Nabisy - Sustainable Biomass System

Nabisy, the governmental web application for sustainable biomass (Nachhaltige Biomasse System, Nabisy), operated by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), serves to prove the sustainability from biomass, pursuant to EU Directive (EU) 2018/2001.

Marketer of liquid or gaseous biomass in Germany can have them counted towards their quota obligation, only if they can provide proof that the liquid or gaseous biomass meets the sustainability criteria laid down in EU Directive (EU) 2018/2001. The sustainability criteria for electricity from solid, gaseous or liquid biomass used for electricity production must be met if operators intend to obtain payments pursuant to German Renewable Energies Act (EEG).

Pursuant to the Biofuel Sustainability Ordinance (Biokraft-NachV) and the Ordinance on Electricity Production from Sustainable Biomass (BioSt-NachV), data relevant for the German market must be entered in Nabisy. The German main customs offices, the biofuel quota body, the German Emissions Trading Authority, network operators as well as the competent authorities of other member states of the European Union have direct access to the web application Nabisy. Nabisy also serves as a source for the Experiences and Evaluation Report, to be drafted annually for the German government.

Nabisy offers the following options:

For producers:

  • Entry of data on the sustainability of electricity from solid, gaseous or liquid biomass and/ or liquid or gaseous biofuels and

For suppliers:

  • Application for dividing: A proof of sustainability or a partial proof of sustainability is devided between several recipients.
  • Application for transfer: The total quantity of a proof of sustainability or a partial proof of sustainability is sold unchanged.
  • Application of combined transcription: several proofs of sustainability are transferred to one recipient.

In order to use Nabisy, an operator must be a registered member of a national certification system within a member state or of a certification system recognized by the Commission of the European Communities. In addition, operators may, as suppliers, apply to the BLE for a user name and a password if they are registered with the German customs administration and if, in the field of biofuels, they are subject to German customs supervision pursuant to the Biofuel Sustainability Ordinance (Biokraft-NachV).

For Nabisy, economic operators need a user name and a password.

To register as a user, please refer to the certification system you are using.

For installation and network operators:

Installation operators may, in accordance with the amount of electricity generated within a settlement period, devide or transfer to their network operator the proofs of sustainability or partial proofs of sustainability issued to them. Network operators have access to the proofs of sustainability and/ or the partial proofs of sustainability deposited in Nabisy and may indicate usage.

For the competent authorities of other member states of the European Union:

Where sustainable liquid or gaseous biomass is not intended to be counted towards the biofuel quota or payments pursuant to the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) in Germany, but are instead destined for another member state, and if the recipient abroad is not registered with Nabisy, the seller must transfer the proof of sustainability and/ or the partial proof of sustainability to the account established for the respective member state. The competent authorities of the other member states have access to their respective national account and may check the proofs that have been deposited.

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